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The 9-1-1 Subcommittee was formed in 2015 to recommend minimum standards for public safety interoperable communications systems facilities and equipment used by dispatch centers, as well as certification criteria for persons who operate these systems. In September 2017, a 19-member subcommittee was created in state statute. The 9-1-1 Subcommittee is now appointed by the Governor and is responsible for advising the Department of Military (DMA) and Interoperability Council (IC) on statewide efforts to transition to Next Generation 9-1-1.

No current upcoming event.

Under Wis. Stats. §256.35 (3s) (d) the 9-1-1 Subcommittee shall be responsible for:

  • Advise DMA on Next Generation 911 emergency services IP network contracts.
  • Advise DMA on the statewide efforts, leveraging of existing infrastructure, and industry standards that are necessary to transition to Next Generation 911.
  • Make recommendations to DMA regarding federal sources of funding and the sustainable funding streams that are required to enable public safety answering points to purchase and maintain equipment necessary for Next Generation 911.
  • Advise DMA or other state agency on creating grants, including advising on eligibility criteria for the grants.
  • Conduct a statewide 911 telecommunications system assessment.
  • Promote facilitate, and coordinate interoperability across all public safety answering points with respect to telecommunications services and data systems, including geographic information systems.

As a subcommittee of the Interoperability Council under Wis. Stats. §15.315 (2) (a), the 9-1-1 Subcommittee is also responsible for:

  • Advising the Interoperability Council on all matters related to the development, deployment, and maintenance of the statewide emergency number system.
  • Assisting the Interoperability Council in developing recommendations under Wis. Stats. §323.29 (2) (f) related to technical and operational standards, guidelines and procedures, and minimum standards related to public safety interoperable communications systems, including certification criteria for persons who operate such systems for dispatch centers.

Chair: Melvin (Bob) Frank, NENA Representative – Richland County Sheriff’s Department (Retired)

Vice-Chair: Danielle Miller, Communications Center Supervisor – Douglas County Emergency Management

911 Subcommittee Roster

The 9-1-1 Subcommittee consists of nineteen (19) voting members, all serving three (3) year terms. One member is appointed by the Adjutant General, and the following members are appointed by the governor:

  • An individual recommended by an association of Wisconsin cities, villages, or towns
  • An individual recommended by an association of Wisconsin counties
  • An individual recommended by a Wisconsin association, or a Wisconsin chapter of an association that promotes a universal emergency telephone number system
  • An individual recommended by an association of Wisconsin county sheriffs
  • Two (2) individuals, each of whom represents a different commercial mobile radio service provider, as defined in Wis. Stats. §196.01 (2g), operating in Wisconsin: one serving a primarily regional market, and one serving a national market
  • Two (2) individuals recommended by a Wisconsin association, or a Wisconsin chapter of an association of public safety communications professionals
  • Two (2) individuals recommended by an association of Wisconsin telecommunications providers, as defined in Wis. Stats. §196.01 (8p), each of whom represents an incumbent local exchange carrier
  • An individual who represents a competitive local exchange carrier
  • An individual who represents a voice over internet protocol provider.
  • A police chief recommended by an association of Wisconsin police chiefs
  • A fire chief recommended by an association of Wisconsin fire chiefs
  • An individual recommended by a Wisconsin association that promotes emergency management
  • An individual who represents a video service provider, as defined in Wis. Stats. §196.01 (12r)
  • An individual recommended by a Wisconsin association of emergency medical service providers
  • An individual recommended by an association of land information professionals

To apply for an appointment to the 9-1-1 Subcommittee, use the following link: Boards and Commissions Application